
My name’s narrative is just normal. My parent just made my name 이혁진. However my mother was serious about making my name. So she met the person who is really inborn with making meaningful names. So he just made my name 이승범.

My name’s real meaning

이= 오얏(plum) 리 승= 정승(minister) 승  범= 법(law) 범

Actual meaning: Keep on the right side of the law and become like a prime minister

Poem- Who I am?

Hello world

Who I am

Some food that contains two taste, watermelon? Peach?

No, plum is the one, which taste sour, but simply tastes sweet.

Some person who has sour sight, but also contains sweet sway, Scientist? President?

No, the prime minister is some soul who takes care citizens with warm touch, but also with pungent sight.

Some entity that the prime minister should obey with an enormous responsibility, Social activity? Wife?

No, the law is the one, which made with the sound of a variety of citizens, smells like the justice, the incredible power.

Well, now guess who I am?
